High Five for Friday

I really love this opportunity to list five fabulous things from this week! Link up at Lauren’s blog to see other High Five for Friday posts.

1. Peaches are my absolute favorite fruit of all time! My family always gets our peaches from a particular roadside stand in our city, and I always look forward to the first peaches of the summer. They were just as fabulous as I remembered!

Gone With The Wind

2. I got to watch Gone With the Wind this week! It’s one of my favorite movies.

3. Over the weekend, it was incredibly hot, so the family went to a frozen yogurt place in town. Here’s a picture of me and my sister, we all had fun escaping the heat for a bit.

4. You may remember from last Friday that I mentioned I would be going to Goodwill to find treasures! I went on Saturday, and came back with quite a pile. I am especially excited about some vintage shoes I found. I’ll be posting about them soon!

5. My biggest project this summer is sewing a Civil War ball gown! Here is the lovely fabric I bought for it. The pink fabric will be the main color.

What was the high point of your week? Do you have any fabulous plans for the weekend?

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